Preaching From March 19th 2023

March 19, 2023
2 Kings 3:5-19
Theme: When We Are Faced With a Problem.

This morning we are going to see the example of two people who were faced with a problem, we are going to see the behavior of each of them and we are also going to see what God thinks about this and what He wants us to do. Problems are common in this world, there is no one in this world who can say that they have never faced a problem. We face problems, which are often unexpected, whether we like them or not. Sometimes these problems are caused by our own behavior and sometimes it is out of our control, which means that no matter what we do, it is not up to us and we deal with it. Other problems are caused by us. No matter what kind of problem we face, the solution is in Christ. Whether these problems are caused by us or not, Christ is the solution. We’re going to see that one of the important things is that if you don’t come to God with your problems, even if they’re caused by someone else, it’s going to hurt you or hurt and affect you and it can even destroy you. You can’t just say it wasn’t caused by you, I didn’t do anything. Whatever it is, the truth is that at a higher percentage, we always have something to do with the problem, perhaps distantly or closely. Maybe we don’t see it, but someone else can make the connection or link. This problem if you analyze or examine it, you will see that you have a part in it. Many people don’t like to admit that they have a part in the problems they face. I would like to tell you this morning that the best thing is to always assume that you have some responsibility in a problem. You should always assume that you have some responsibility for any problem you face. We will see that some people turn against God and say that He is the source of their problem. They say they did nothing or did everything possible but the problem always presented itself. So they accuse God. This is a very bad attitude to adopt.