Dear reader, are you a Christian? If so, do you have the assurance
of eternal life? Does CHRIST manifest Himself presently in your life?
If not, seek for the real faith founded only on the Word of God
According to Hebrews11, 1: “Now faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” It is therefore necessary
for you to know if your faith is the true one or not, for ” Receiving the
end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1, 9)
The Lord said to Abraham: “Get thee out of thy country, and from
thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew
thee” (Genesis 12, 1-4). It is convenient to mention that Abraham
did not know beforehand the Promised Land. By faith, he obeyed
God: “So Abraham departed as the Lord has spoken unto him”
The Lord once again said to Abraham:” Take now thy son, thine only
son Isaac, whom thy lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah,
and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains
which I will tell thee of” (Genesis 22, 1-19). Again, Abraham obeyed
without any resistance. He knew that God always does good things
to him, for a just man obtains the favors of the Lord. Abraham knew
the faithfulness of God.
Apostle Paul confirms that: ” Abraham believed God and it counted
unto him for righteousness” ( Romans 4,3-25). He was fully
convinced that what GOD promises, he accomplishes. That is why,
he is the father of all those who walk in the same track of his faith
Dear reader, let us altogether agree that the true Christian is the one
who firmly believe in the Word of God without any restriction. He has
full faith in it since ” faith cometh from hearing and hearing by the
Word of God” ( Romans 10, 17). He obeys it because ” Obedience
is better than sacrifice” ( 1 Samuel 15,22).
This implies that you can consider yourself to be a Christian, and
obey without fault all the dogmas of your religion, but if you do not
obey the Word of God, your faith is vain. In fact, ” Pure religion and
undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless
and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from
the world”.( James 1,27). And Jesus says: ” If you love me, keep my
commandments” ( John 14,15)
However, you are unable to do it by your personal efforts. Without
Jesus, you can do nothing. ( John 15,5). It is necessary therefore
that you be born again so as to give Christ access into your life. He
will transform your entire being if you accept him as your personal
Therefore, acknowledge that you are a sinner. The Bible declares
that “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Romans
3, 23). Confess to him all the sins you have committed: Evil
thoughts, theft, lies, adultery, murder, pride, jealousy, hatred,
idolatry, drunkenness, etc with a firm decision to forsake all these
evil actions. You will obtain mercy (Proverbs 28, 13). CHRIST will
then come to your help for your conversion.
Accept the same baptism JESUS did
You will become a new creature. You will then know that you have
the true faith through the accomplishment of the promises of God in
your life. The Lord JESUS CHRIST made this promise to all those
who will believe in him: “In my name, they shall cast out demons,
they shall speak in new tongues, they shall pick up serpents. If they
drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them, they shall lay hands
on the sick and they shall recover” (Mark 16, 17-18)
Thus, when a man is converted, CHRIST baptizes him with the Holy
Spirit whose initial sign is the distinct speaking in new tongues that
were not learnt previously. ( Acts 2, 7-15). So this Spirit which is the
seal unto the day of redemption gives him assurance of Eternal life
( Ephesians 1, 13-14)
We see Apostle Peter who, filled with the Holy Spirit and by faith in
the name of JESUS, healing the lame man who was carried and
laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful. ( Acts
3,1-16). That is again one of the manifestations of the faith that
saves. Now, Peter was a man subject to similar passions as we are
Consequently, if you abandon all evil life, and follow the Lord like
Peter, you will experience divine healing on yourself and others,
because JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever”
( Hebrews 13,8).
Dear reader, at times you have been afraid at night, in your sleep.
You have been haunted by evil spirits, looked into the future with
despair, or have been afraid of the dark infernal actions of the
wicked ones. If you believe, CHRIST will make you dwell in safety,
and his angels will encamp round about you to deliver you from any
danger ( Psalms 4,8 and 34,7) Your enemies will be His enemies,
and your adversaries His ( Exodus 23,22)
This establishes the difference between the true Christian who
entirely abandons himself to God and obeys all things that come
from him, and a fake Christian who pretends to trust in God also,
but helps himself by consulting witches, wizards, sorcerers and
other soothsayers for his protection.
It is by ignorance that you have often condemned the
accomplishment of these promises in the life of children of GOD.
Now if these works do not manifest in you in this present life, or
during your stay here on earth, how can you believe that JESUS
will save you on the last day?
JESUS wants to save you: Accept His love and He will watch over
you. You have often asked GOD precious things without any
answer; it is because of your disobedience. Sometimes, your own
conscience has rebuked you of many wrong deeds, how much
more GOD who is greater than your heart?( 1John3,20). This Word
is certain: If you keep His commandments, and do what pleases
Him, whatsoever that you ask Him, you will receive it from Him.
Why would you rebel against such a tender and mild voice of your
Savior? Harden not your heart. Do not put off your Salvation for
tomorrow ( Hebrews 3, 7-8). Instead, come to JESUS CHRIST as
you are, and you will benefit from his grace and blessings.
JESUS is speaking to you as to Martha: ” If you believe, you will
see the Glory of GOD” ( John 11,40). Deny yourself, if you steal,
steal no more, speak the truth to your neighbor; keep your body
pure; put hypocrisy away from you; do not corrupt the spirit of your
fellowmen by filthy lucre. GOD will then receive you into his
If the question of eternity bothers you
If you live without peace and joy
If you are downcast and discouraged
If you want to know the real priorities of life
If you do not have assurance of eternal life
If you have spiritual problems and questions
If you need counseling.
Write to the address below:
3528 Brightseat Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20785
United States of America