Edification Meeting:

Our Edification meeting on Wednesdays starts at 7:00 pm and usually last around 60 minutes. We begin by singing praises to our GOD, then we stand up to sing the first hymn from our song book “ Joy of the Mission”, this is followed by prayer and the Word of GOD. After the Word of GOD, we will again sing praises, followed by the second hymn and the closing prayer.


Sunday Service:

On Sunday, Our service starts at 9:00 am and usually ends before 11:00 am. We begin by singing praises to our GOD then we stand up to sing the first hymn from our song book “ Joy of the Mission”. This is followed by prayer and offerings, then a second hymn. After the second hymn, there will be another prayer followed by announcements, and our first announcement is always  “ The Lord JESUS CHRIST is coming soon” and the congregation will stand up and answer “ Come Lord JESUS ” and clap. This announcement is in keeping with Revelation 22, 17-20.

After the announcements, the congregation will stand up to listen to the reading of the Word of GOD, then the third hymn and prayer will follow.

After this prayer, the preacher will give a message taken from the Word of GOD that was just read.

After the message, the congregation will kneel down for self examination. After this we will all get up to sing some praises to the Lord followed by the final hymn and closing prayer.


We usually greet each other and talk to visitors at the end of the service. The pastor may come and greet you, have a conversation with you. Feel free to ask any question you may have about the message or the church. If you have questions about your relationship with GOD and need an appointment with him. He can make himself available to meet with you anytime during the week.

Always remember these words from Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST in Matthew 16,26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”