It is all the people who live in a home and generally includes the father, mother, and child.

Whatever content is attributed to it, the family is a human institution established by GOD, so that the large number of people who inhabit the earth can be distinguished from one another.

  • Every member of the family must take responsibility and have a good conscience
  • The father is the head of the family
  • The mother is his deputy
  • Both Parents when they have children, take care of them, educate, instruct, train, and forge them.
  • When children begin to grow, the older ones take care of the younger ones.
  • After a while, they become as big and strong as the parents once were. The older ones should take care of the parents since they are at the age of decline. We note that each member of the family has some responsibility. We will see parental responsibility.

In life, a man climbs the slope leading to the summit and then descends the slope leading to the bottom of the hill.

Since the GOD of creation is the author and member of the family. Men must be interested in GOD and have a personal relationship with Him to offer a worship of sweet savor. Men must acknowledge all the works that the Lord has made and has put man above them.

Thus, after Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, they worshipped GOD with the fruit of their lips (Genesis 4:1-9). The hatred which came into the world has also entered into many families and continues to wreak havoc in the world until today. As Christians, the Lord wants to spare us from this plague that weakens and destroys the human race. Today, many want to live without family, but for those who came into this world and who like to live by the law of GOD, no matter their origin, nationality, race or tribe, must narrow ranks and act according to the following original principles of family.

  • Acknowledge the goodness of GOD
  • Have the spirit to worship GOD
  • Work for the acceptance of your worship
  • Love your neighbor, want his well-being.
  • Listen to GOD’s advice every time we slip towards evil because the voice of GOD always brings us back to what is good.
  • Stay away from the spirit of loneliness
  • Cultivate in oneself the spirit of progress
  • Love work and reject laziness
  • Hand a mind of judgment and discernment like Gideon and Mary during the visit of the angel.

In order for man to live on the earth according to GOD’s program, he needs to be a good living and working man. “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground”

  • Man must go to school, he must study and do research
  • He must put his knowledge to use
  • He should not carry his research in only one area

When we cut down a forest, we must replace the big trees with small ones, otherwise it will become a desert.

Extract.Parents Meeting.Bafoussam.01/20/2019