Bewitchment is the action of bewitching. To bewitch means to exert an influence or an irresistible domination upon someone. It means to captivate, to charm, to bewitch, to fascinate, to seduce, to subdue, to entice. To bewitch means to put someone under the action of a spell. That is to say; to cast a spell on someone.

Let’s read Ephesians 6:10-12: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

Our battle is against evil spirits. However sometimes you abandon this battle and forget what is causing you to fight against your brother. The result; you do it with such vehemence, so much so that when he runs away, you purse him.

A bewitched person is a danger. He doesn’t realize that he’s bewitched. But it’s by his works that we know that he is bewitched.  If he takes a direction, all those who follow him will get lost, even if they’re wise.

If you try to help a bewitched person mentally, it means that you want to be a victim of mental fatigue. If you want to help him materially it means that you like poverty.

The real help that someone can give to a bewitched person is to prove to him that he loves his suffering. Because, as long as he does not obey, all the good you want to do to him will be a lost cause.

Bewitchment has levels: someone can be bewitched because he doesn’t know what is good; whereas another can be bewitched because he knows what is good but he doesn’t want to do it.

A bewitched person has the spirit of distraction, and distraction is a force that is against progress. Bewitchment has a great influence on man: its action weakens both the spirit and the body. Bewitchment is an efficient weapon of the enemy.

The devil uses bewitched intellectuals, wealthy people, poor people, lazy people, etc.

The devil gives a lot of money to his workers. But this money is a budget they have to manage or use only for his work. The devil grants a lot of facilities to his workers for his service.

Know that the devil has come down to bewitch human beings. Whether they be Christians, servants, pastors, or pagans. Presently, a lot of people are bewitched and behave as people who are drunk with alcohol and who have lost their senses. Henceforth, you can take such people anywhere and make them do anything.
